
3. Austrian Senior Open 2022  

sponsored by VICTOR Austria

let's boost the tournament!

We thank you for the great tournament and look forward to seeing you again in 2023.

Scheduled date: May 5th to 7th, 2023


St. Pölten - Austria


6th to 8th May 2022

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Single, Double and Mixed - Women and Men,
born from year 1986 and older (O35-O75) 
Ladies are eligible to play in O35 born from year 1994 and older (O27)

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Our official tournament hotel is the "Das ALFRED".
Participants get 10% off the overnight stay (without breakfast) with the password: "Badminton".
Please book your accommodation on time.

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Evening Event

A highlight to the point sociability is the evening visit of an "Heuriger".

more information Registration

Please note! Registration is required by April 30th at the latest.

Additional Information

if you need information in English or German
please contact:

Ing. Ernst Liska

+43 676 88583888

if you need information in Polish, Czech, Slovak or Russian, please contact:

Dariusz Nahrebecki

+43 699 10668410